
The tutorials in this section use the inherent capability of NAMD to read AMBER parameters and topology files (e.g. prmtop). For additional information, please refer to the Using the AMBER force field in NAMD documentation.

Setting up SIRAH


SIRAH Force Field is distributed with AMBER and AmberTools official releases.

Required Software


NAMD (version 2 or later) versions properly installed and running in your computer. In these tutorials, we employ bash aliases to access the NAMD binary executable files.


Download the latest version of NAMD2 or NAMD3 and refer to the Download NAMD section for more details on getting NAMD. Binary files of NAMD is provied by TCBG Group.


AmberTools (version 16 or later) versions properly installed and running in your computer.


Download the latest version of AmberTools. Go to the Install AmberTools page for specific instructions based on your operating system.


The molecular visualization program VMD, version 1.9.3 or later (freely available download). Check VMD’s Installation guide for more instructions.

Prior knowledge

How to perform a standard atomistic molecular dynamics simulations with NAMD, how to use AmberTools to build systems, and basic usage of VMD.



If you are not familiar with atomistic molecular dynamics simulations in NAMD, we strongly recommend you to perform the basic usage tutorials of NAMD: NAMD TUTORIAL Unix/MacOSX Version. For more details and documentation, check NAMD User’s Guide.


We strongly recommend you to perform the basic usage tutorials of AmberTools: 1. Building Systems, 3. Creating Stable Systems and Running MD and 5. Case Studies. For more details and documentation, check Amber23 Manual.


If you are not familiar with VMD, we strongly recommend you to perform the basic usage tutorial of VMD (Using VMD). For more details and documentation, check VMD User Guide and the official VMD documentation.

Download and Setting up SIRAH


The simulations use the inherent functionality of NAMD to parse AMBER parameters and topology files. Thus, the LEaP module of AmberTools is used to generate the input files.

Please report bugs, errors or enhancement requests through Issue Tracker or if you have a question about SIRAH open a New Discussion.

Download SIRAH for Amber and uncompress it into your working directory.

tar -xzvf sirah_x2.3_24-07.amber.tar.gz

If you are using a different version of SIRAH, type:

tar -xzvf sirah_[version].amber.tgz

You will get the folder sirah_[version].amber/ containing the force field definition, SIRAH Tools in the sirah_[version].amber/tools/ folder, molecular structures to build up systems in sirah_[version].amber/PDB/ and the required material to perform the tutorials in sirah_[version].amber/tutorial/NAMD/X.X/


Remember to change X.X to the number that corresponds to the tutorial you are going to do.

Make a new folder for this tutorial in your working directory:

mkdir tutorialX.X; cd tutorialX.X

Create the following symbolic link in the folder tutorialX.X:

ln -s ../sirah_x2.3_24-07.amber sirah.amber


SIRAH Force Field is also distributed with AMBER and AmberTools official releases. To use the native AMBER version of SIRAH, create a symbolic link located in $AMBERHOME:

ln -s $AMBERHOME/dat/SIRAH sirah.amber

Check the AMBER Manual section 3.11.2 for more details.

However, if you want the latest parameters and implementations we strongly advise you to use the developers version of SIRAH from GitHub.

1. Proteins in explicit solvent


Please report bugs, errors or enhancement requests through Issue Tracker or if you have a question about SIRAH open a New Discussion.

This tutorial shows how to use the SIRAH force field to perform a coarse grained (CG) simulation of a protein in explicit solvent (called WatFour, WT4). The main references for this tutorial are: Cantero et al., Darré et al., Machado et al. and Machado & Pantano. We strongly advise you to read these articles before starting the tutorial.


Check the Setting up SIRAH section for download and set up details before starting this tutorial. Since this is Tutorial 1, remember to replace X.X and the files corresponding to this tutorial can be found in: sirah_[version].amber/tutorial/NAMD/1/

1.1. Build CG representations


In this section, we use the inherent functionality of NAMD to parse AMBER files. The tLEaP module of AmberTools is used to generate parameters and topology information.


The mapping to CG requires the correct protonation state of each residue at a given pH. We recommend using the CHARMM-GUI server and use the PDB Reader & Manipulator to prepare your system. An account is required to access any of the CHARMM-GUI Input Generator modules, and it can take up to 24 hours to obtain one.

Other option is the PDB2PQR server and choosing the output naming scheme of AMBER for best compatibility. This server was utilized to generate the PQR file featured in this tutorial. Be aware that modified residues lacking parameters such as: MSE (seleno MET), TPO (phosphorylated TYR), SEP (phosphorylated SER) or others are deleted from the PQR file by the server. In that case, mutate the residues to their unmodified form before submitting the structure to the server.

Map the protonated atomistic structure of protein 1CRN to its CG representation:

./sirah.amber/tools/CGCONV/ -i ./sirah.amber/tutorial/NAMD/1/1CRN.pqr -o 1CRN_cg.pdb

The input file -i 1CRN.pqr contains the atomistic representation of 1CRN structure at pH 7.0, while the output -o 1CRN_cg.pdb is its SIRAH CG representation.


This is the basic usage of the script, you can learn other capabilities from its help by typing:

./sirah.amber/tools/CGCONV/ -h


Pay attention to residue names when mapping structures from other atomistic force fields or experimental structures. Although we provide compatibility for naming schemes in PDB, GMX, GROMOS, CHARMM and OPLS, there might always be some ambiguity in the residue naming, specially regarding protonation states, that may lead to a wrong mapping. For example, SIRAH Tools always maps the residue name “HIS” to a Histidine protonated at the epsilon nitrogen (\(N_{\epsilon}\)) regardless the actual proton placement. Similarly, protonated Glutamic and Aspartic acid residues must be named “GLH” and “ASH”, otherwise they will be treated as negative charged residues. In addition, protonated and disulfide bonded Cysteines must be named “CYS” and “CYX” respectively. These kind of situations need to be carefully checked by the users. In all cases the residues preserve their identity when mapping and back-mapping the structures. Hence, the total charge of the protein should be the same at atomistic and SIRAH levels. You can check the following mapping file to be sure of the compatibility: sirah.amber/tools/CGCONV/maps/


By default, charged termini are used, but it is possible to set them neutral by renaming the residues from s[code] to a[code] (Nt-acetylated) or m[code] (Ct-amidated) after mapping to CG, where [code] is the root residue name in SIRAH. For example, to set a neutral N-terminal Histidine protonated at epsilon nitrogen (\(N_{\epsilon}\)) rename it from “sHe” to “aHe”.

Please check both PDB and PQR structures using VMD:

vmd -m sirah.amber/tutorial/NAMD/1/1CRN.pqr 1CRN_cg.pdb

From now on it is just normal Amber stuff!

1.2. Prepare with LEaP

Use a text editor to create the file gensystem.leap including the following lines:

# Load SIRAH force field
addPath ./sirah.amber
source leaprc.sirah

# Load model
protein = loadpdb 1CRN_cg.pdb

# Info on system charge
charge protein

# Set S-S bridges
bond protein.3.BSG protein.40.BSG
bond protein.4.BSG protein.32.BSG
bond protein.16.BSG protein.26.BSG

# Add solvent, counterions and 0.15M NaCl
# Tuned solute-solvent closeness for best hydration
solvatebox protein WT4BOX 20 0.7
addIonsRand protein NaW 22 ClW 22

# Save Parms
saveAmberParm protein 1CRN_cg_ionized.prmtop 1CRN_cg_ionized.rst
savepdb protein 1CRN_cg_ionized.pdb



Each disulfide bond must be defined explicitly in LEaP using the command bond, e.g.: “bond unit.ri.BSG unit.rj.BSG”. Where ri and rj correspond to the residue index in the topology file starting from 1, which may differ from the biological sequence in the PDB file. You can try the command pdb4amber to get those indexes from the atomistic structure, but be aware that it may not work if the Cysteine residues are too far away:

pdb4amber -i sirah.amber/tutorial/NAMD/1/1CRN.pqr -o 1CRN_aa.pdb && cat 1CRN_aa_sslink

See also

The available electrolyte species in SIRAH force field are: Na⁺ (NaW), K⁺ (KW) and Cl⁻ (ClW) which represent solvated ions in solution. One ion pair (e.g., NaW-ClW) each 34 WT4 molecules results in a salt concentration of ~0.15M (see Appendix for details). Counterions were added according to Machado et al..

1.3. Run LEaP

Run the tLEaP application to generate the molecular topology and initial coordinate files:

tleap -f gensystem.leap


Warning messages about long, triangular or square bonds in leap.log file are fine and expected due to the CG topology of some residues.

This should create a topology file 1CRN_cg_ionized.prmtop and a coordinate file 1CRN_cg_ionized.rst. The last line of 1CRN_cg_ionized.rst file contains the cell dimension information needed in the NAMD configuration file, for additional information, please refer to the Using the AMBER force field in NAMD documentation.


To check the last line of the 1CRN_cg_ionized.rst you can use:

tail -n 1 1CRN_cg_ionized.rst

Save this information so it can be used in NAMD input files.

For this tutorial, the cell dimensions are:

73.3223400  70.2433400  72.8663400  90.0000000  90.0000000  90.0000000

The first three values represent the x, y, and z dimensions. The remaining three values define an orthorhombic box.

Use VMD to check how the CG model looks like and particularly the presence of disulfide bonds:

vmd 1CRN_cg_ionized.prmtop 1CRN_cg_ionized.rst -e ./sirah.amber/tools/sirah_vmdtk.tcl


VMD assigns default radius to unknown atom types, the script sirah_vmdtk.tcl sets the right ones, according to the CG representation. It also provides a kit of useful selection macros, coloring methods and backmapping utilities. Use the command sirah_help in the Tcl/Tk console of VMD to access the manual pages. To learn about SIRAH Tools’ capabilities, you can also go to the SIRAH Tools tutorial.

1.4. Create Backbone and Protein restraints

In NAMD, it is necessary to assign a PDB file that contains the system’s restraints. Generally, this is done by assigning values in the last column of the PDB file that corresponds to the B-factor. These files can be generated using a VMD script.

Use a text editor to create the file restraints.tcl including the following lines:

# Load SIRAH tools
source sirah.amber/tools/sirah_vmdtk.tcl

# Upload the system
mol new 1CRN_cg_ionized.prmtop type parm7 waitfor all
mol addfile 1CRN_cg_ionized.pdb type pdb waitfor all

# Clean B column
set all [atomselect top all]
$all set beta 0

# Setup the backbone restraints
set bb [atomselect top "sirah_protein and sirah_backbone"]
$bb set beta 2.4
$all writepdb bb_restraints.pdb

# Setup the protein restraints
$all set beta 0
set prot [atomselect top "sirah_protein"]
$prot set beta 2.4
$all writepdb prot_restraints.pdb

# Exit

Run the VMD script to generate the pdb restriction file:

vmd -dispdev text –e restraints.tcl

1.5. Run the simulation

1.5.1 NAMD2

Make a new folder for the run:

mkdir -p run; cd run

Copy the input files to the folder:

cp sirah.amber/tutorial/NAMD/1/NAMD2/*.conf .

The folder sirah.amber/tutorial/NAMD/1/NAMD2 contains typical input files for energy minimization (em1.conf and em2.conf), heating (heat.conf), equilibration (eq1.conf and eq2.conf) and production (md.conf) runs. Please carefully review the input files, paying especially attention to the cell dimension values, names, and restrictions.


The same input files can be used to run on CPU or GPU. However, in NAMD2 (CUDA), the number of processors used (+p option) significantly affects performance. By contrast, in NAMD3 (CUDA), this value does not directly correlate to higher performance.


If you have more than one GPU card, be sure you set the GPU number properly. For example, in order to utilize GPU 0, it is necessary to execute this command prior to running:


You might also specify which and how many CPUs you need to used. For example, if you require 24 CPUs:

namd2 +p24 namd_input.conf > namd_input.log &

To indicate which cores to use:

namd2 +setcpuaffinity +pemap 0-23 +p24 namd_input.conf > namd_input.log &

Energy Minimization of side chains and solvent by restraining the backbone:

namd2 +p8 em1.conf > em1.log &


In this stage, the restriction file bb_restraints.pdb is assigned to the consref and conskfile flags.

Energy Minimization of whole system:

namd2 +p8 em2.conf > em2.log &

Solvent Equilibration (NPT):

namd2 +p8 heat.conf > heat.log &


In this stage, the restriction file prot_restraints.pdb is assigned to the consref and conskfile flags.

Solvent equilibration (NPT):

namd2 +p8 eq1.conf > eq1.log &

Soft equilibration to improve side chain solvation (NPT):

namd2 +p8 eq2.conf > eq2.log &


In this stage, the restriction file bb_restraints.pdb is assigned to the consref and conskfile flags. The constraintScaling is set to 0.1 to soften the restraints.

Production (1000ns):

namd2 +p8 md.conf > md.log &

1.5.2 NAMD3

Make a new folder for the run:

mkdir -p run; cd run

Copy the input files to the folder:

cp sirah.amber/tutorial/NAMD/1/NAMD3/*.conf .

The folder sirah.amber/tutorial/NAMD/1/NAMD3 contains typical input files for energy minimization (em1.conf and em2.conf), heating (heat.conf), equilibration (eq1.conf and eq2.conf) and production (md.conf) runs. Please carefully review the input files, paying especially attention to the cell dimension values, names, and restrictions.


The same input files can be used to run on on CPU or GPU. However, in NAMD2 (CUDA), the number of processors used (+p option) significantly affects performance. By contrast, in NAMD3 (CUDA), this value does not directly correlate to higher performance.


To use GPU cards in NAMD3, you need to enable the GPU-resident mode with the CUDASOAintegrate option. In the input files for this tutorial the option is enabled.

#NAMD3 parameters
if {1} {                                ;# Enable the block
CUDASOAintegrate     on                 ;# Enable GPU-resident mode.


If you have more than one GPU card, be sure you set the GPU number properly. For example, in order to utilize GPU 0, it is necessary to execute this command prior to running:


You might also specify which and how many CPUs you need to used. For example, if you require 4 CPUs:

namd3 +p4 namd_input.conf > namd_input.log &

To indicate which cores to use:

namd3 +setcpuaffinity +pemap 0-3 +p4 namd_input.conf > namd_input.log &

Energy Minimization of side chains and solvent by restraining the backbone:

namd3 +p4 em1.conf > em1.log &


In this stage, the restriction file bb_restraints.pdb is assigned to the consref and conskfile flags.

Energy Minimization of whole system:

namd3 +p4 em2.conf > em2.log &

Solvent Equilibration (NPT):

namd3 +p4 heat.conf > heat.log &


In this stage, the restriction file prot_restraints.pdb is assigned to the consref and conskfile flags.

Solvent equilibration (NPT):

namd3 +p4 eq1.conf > eq1.log &

Soft equilibration to improve side chain solvation (NPT):

namd3 +p4 eq2.conf > eq2.log &


In this stage, the restriction file bb_restraints.pdb is assigned to the consref and conskfile flags. The constraintScaling is set to 0.1 to soften the former restraints.

Production (1000ns):

namd3 +p4 md.conf > md.log &

1.6. Visualizing the simulation

That’s it! Now you can analyze the trajectory.

Load the processed trajectory in VMD:

vmd ../1CRN_cg_ionized.prmtop MD.dcd -e sirah.amber/tools/sirah_vmdtk.tcl


The file sirah_vmdtk.tcl is a Tcl script that is part of SIRAH Tools and contains the macros to properly visualize the coarse-grained structures in VMD. Use the command sirah-help in the Tcl/Tk console of VMD to access the manual pages. To learn about SIRAH Tools’ capabilities, you can also go to the SIRAH Tools tutorial.

1.7 How to modify input files

The provided NAMD input files were created using the information from this tutorial; for other systems, check and carefully adjust the inputs in accordance with the tips bellow.

1.7.1 All files

For all NAMD input (*.conf) files:

  1. Change input file names:

amber         on                           ;# Turns on the AMBER Format inputs
parmfile      your_system.prmtop           ;# File containing the force field parameters
coordinates   your_system.pdb              ;# File containing initial coordinates
  1. Change output file names:

set outputName     your_output_name        ;# Base name of output simulation files

1.7.2 Energy minimization

For em1.conf:

  1. Assign the file name of the restriction file in consref and conskfile line:

#Constraints on the Backbone
if {1} {                                  ;# If 1 read the block
constraints          on                   ;# Turns on constraints
consref              your_restraints.pdb  ;# Reference PDB file for constraint positions
conskfile            your_restraints.pdb  ;# File containing constraint force constants
constraintScaling    1                    ;# Scaling factor for constraint forces
consexp              2                    ;# Exponent for constraint potential
conskcol             B                    ;# Column for constraint forces in the pdb file
  1. Set periodic cell information with the values from your rst file. NAMD will not read the box information from the crd/rst file generated from tLEaP. Instead you will have to specify the box information using the cellBasisVector flag. Rewrite the information from the last line of the rst file to this format. To check the last line you can use:

tail -n 1 your_system.rst
dx    dy    dz    90.0000000  90.0000000  90.0000000
# Periodic Cell
if {1} {
cellBasisVector1    dx         00.0000    00.0000
cellBasisVector2    00.0000    dy         00.0000
cellBasisVector3    00.0000    00.0000    dz
cellOrigin          00.0000    00.0000    00.0000


The method of setting periodic cell information for NAMD by directly utilizing the final line values from the rst file is only applicable to cubic periodic boxes. For non-cubic periodic box, such as truncated octahedron or rhombic dodecahedron, the values are determined by specific calculations using the length of the edge of the box for each kind. Refer to the section using non-cubic periodic boxes in the tutorial Using the Amber force field in NAMD.

For em2.conf:

  1. Now, in the input parameters section, include the block that sets the end of the previous minimization stage as the starting point:

if {1} {                                    ;# This block checks for a restart files from a previous simulation (Minimization_01)
set inputname      yourMinimization_01      ;# Root name for restart files
binCoordinates     $inputname.restart.coor  ;# Read coordinate restart file
#binVelocities     $inputname.restart.vel   ;# Read velocity restart file
extendedSystem     $inputname.restart.xsc   ;# Read extended system restart file

The flag binVelocities is commented because the previous minimization stage does not assign velocity values.

  1. From now on, the Periodic Cell block at simulation parameters section will remain disabled (if {0}) because the box size will be read from the previous stage.

  2. At this stage, the restraint block in the additional parameters section is disabled (if {0}) so that the minimization is carried out without any restraints. However, if you need to use restraints you can enable this section (if {1}).

1.7.3 Heating

For heat.conf, we will gradually bring the system up to the target temperature while maintaining control of the thermostat and barostat. This stage is performed with restraints on the backbone bb_restraints.pdb.

  1. In the simulation parameters section, the temperature and pressure control blocks are enabled (if {1}). Particularly the langevin and langevinPiston options, which control the thermostat and barostat, respectively. Change it as needed.

# Temperature control
if {1} {                     ;# If 0 don't read the block
langevin           on        ;# Turns off Langevin thermostat
langevinDamping    50        ;# Damping coefficient  gamma of 50/ps
langevinHydrogen   off       ;# Turns off Langevin dynamics for hydrogen atoms (if on)
langevinTemp       60        ;# Temperature target for Langevin dynamics (if on)

# Pressure  control
if {1} {                     ;# If 0 don't read the block
useGroupPressure     no      ;# Disables group pressure control
useFlexibleCell      no      ;# Disables flexible cell (not for water boxes)
useConstantArea      no      ;# Disables constant area control (not for water boxes)
langevinPiston       on      ;# Enable Langevin piston for pressure control (off by default)
langevinPistonTarget 1.01325 ;# Target pressure for Langevin piston (in bar) (if on).
langevinPistonPeriod 200.    ;# Period of the Langevin piston (if on)
langevinPistonDecay  100.    ;# Decay time of the Langevin piston (if on)
langevinPistonTemp   60      ;# Temperature target for Langevin piston (if on)
  1. In the execution instructions section, there is a script that in nSteps progressively increases the temperature by adjusting the parameters of the barostat and thermostat. You can modify it to suit your desired temperature:

set Temp    300                               ;# Set temperature  target
set barostat 1                                ;# Set pressure target
set nSteps    600                             ;# Defines the number of simulation steps to run per temperature increment
# for loop iterates through a temperature range
for {set t 60} {$t <= $Temp} {incr t} {run $nSteps;langevintemp $t;if {$barostat} {langevinpistontemp $t}}

1.7.4 Equilibration

For eq1.conf:

  1. Enable the additional parameters section (if {1}) so that the equilibration is carried out with restraints to the whole protein. In order to accomplish this, the restriction file prot_restraints.pdb should be assigned to the consref and conskfile lines:

# Constraints of protein
if {1} {                                   ;# If 1 read the block
constraints           on                   ;# Turns on constraints
consref               your_restraints.pdb  ;# Reference PDB file for constraint positions
conskfile             your_restraints.pdb  ;# File containing constraint force constants
constraintScaling     1                    ;# Scaling factor for constraint forces
consexp               2                    ;# Exponent for constraint potential
conskcol              B                    ;# Column for constraint forces in the pdb file

For eq2.conf:

  1. Enable the additional parameters section (if {1}) so that the equilibration is carried out with a small restraint on the backbone. In order to accomplish this, the restriction file bb_restraints.pdb should be assigned to the consref and conskfile lines and the constraintScaling should be set to 0.1:

# Constraints of protein
if {1} {                                   ;# If 1 read the block
constraints           on                   ;# Turns on constraints
consref               your_restraints.pdb  ;# Reference PDB file for constraint positions
conskfile             your_restraints.pdb  ;# File containing constraint force constants
constraintScaling     0.1                  ;# Scaling factor for constraint forces
consexp               2                    ;# Exponent for constraint potential
conskcol              B                    ;# Column for constraint forces in the pdb file

1.7.5 Production

For md.conf:

  1. At this stage, the restraint block in the additional parameters section is disabled (if {0}) so that the production stage is carried out without any restraints.